Our Properties

Britton Property.

To Let / May Sell

121 Argyll Street, Dunoon PA23 7DH

Prime Retail Unit
Rent: £33,000 pa
Price: Offers invited
NIA: 5,300 sq ft

Viewing strictly by appointment with BRITTON PROPERTY

Andrew Britton
T. 07990 505 421
E. andrew@brittonproperty.co.uk

Britton Property



Dunoon is located in the south of Argyll and Bute and is connected by road and also by ferry from Gourock, circa 25 miles west of Glasgow.

The town has a population of 13,200 with significant employment in the area coming from the administration, retail, hospitality and tourism sectors.

The premises is located on the west side of Argyll Street, south of its junction with Moir Street. Nearby occupiers include RS McColl, Bank of Scotland, Semi Chem, Boots Pharmacy and Home Hardware.


The unit is arranged over ground floor and extends to the following approximate areas:

Ground Floor: 5,300 sq ft / 492.38 sqm


Offers of £33,000 pa exclusive are invited.


The subjects are available on a new FRI lease.


Offers invited.


Rateable Value: £16,800
UBR (2020/21): £0.498
Rates Payable: £8,366 pa


We have been verbally advised by the Local Planning Authority that the subjects currently benefit from Class 1A consent and can therefore be used for retail use. Interested parties are advised to speak directly to the Local Planning Authority.


On application

Legal Costs

Each party to be responsible for their own legal and professional costs incurred in this transaction. For the avoidance of doubt the ingoing tenant will be responsible for Land & Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT), registration dues and any VAT payable thereon.


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Britton Property

Britton Property

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